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Girl smiling at the camera.
SSD Strategic Plan Initiative: Strong Start

Together we will prepare each Sunnyside Scholar with the foundational skills, habits, and behaviors to actively learn every day.

Juntos prepararemos a cada alumno de Sunnyside con las habilidades, hábitos, y comportamientos fundamentales para aprender activamente todos los días.

Teacher standing at the whiteboard in front of her kindergarten class.
SSD Strategic Plan Initiative: Strong Classrooms

Together we will design and implement rigorous learning environments to foster high levels of growth and achievement for all Sunnyside Scholars.

Juntos diseñaremos e implementaremos entornos de aprendizaje rigurosos para fomentar altos niveles de crecimiento y logros para todos los alumnos de Sunnyside.

Sunnyside High School students sitting in the bleachers during a pep assembly.
SSD Strategic Plan Initiative: Strong Sense of Belonging

Together we will include, accept, support, and protect each member of the Sunnyside School District family.

Juntos incluiremos, aceptaremos, apoyaremos y protegeremos a cada miembro del Distrito Escolar de Sunnyside.

Class of 2023 graduates in caps and gowns posing with an elementary school teacher.
SSD Strategic Plan Initiative: Strong Future

Together we will nurture and inspire each Sunnyside Scholar to activate their highest potential and achieve their dreams.

Juntos nutriremos e inspiraremos a cada alumno de Sunnyside a activar su máximo potencial y alcanzar sus sueños.

Parents watch their son sign his AVID Commitment Letter at Harrison Middle School.
SSD Strategic Plan Initiative: Strong Partnerships

Together we will engage and empower our Sunnyside families and community to shape the direction of our district with us.

Juntos involucraremos y empoderaremos a nuestra familia y comunidad de Sunnyside para dar forma a la dirección de nuestro distrito, junto a nosotros.

Sunnyside News & Events

District news, events, activities, and meetings are shown here, along with school closure dates. //  Las noticias, eventos, actividades y reuniones del distrito se muestran aquí, junto con las fechas de cierre de la escuela.


2024 - 2025 School Year, we have new copiers. instructions for copier installation can be found here!


Latest News

School Board Newsletter - Fall 2024
Get to know our School Board

Upcoming Events

Welcome to Sunnyside School District

In the Sunnyside School District, we believe learning environments are not limited to the classroom, and educational tools are not limited to textbooks and worksheets. Please take a look at the different ways the Sunnyside School District supports students and their families in having a successful educational experience.  

A Message from the Superintendent to the Class of 2024

Our Strategic Plan

Safety As a Top Priority

Hercules, the SHS mascot, stands next to a Sunnyside School District sign.

How We Communicate

Career, College, and Life Ready

Mental Health Supports